
$ npm install -g @aws-amplify/cli
$ amplify configure

amplify [flags]

init: Initialize a new Amplify project
configure: Configure the CLI to work with your AWS profile
push: Provisions cloud resources with the latest local changes
pull: Fetch upstream backend changes from the cloud and updates the local environment
env: Displays and manages environment related information for your Amplify project
add: Adds a resource for an Amplify category in your local backend
status: Shows the state of local resources not yet pushed to the cloud
plugin: Configure Amplify plugins
update: Update resource for an Amplify category in your local backend
publish: Executes amplify push and hosts the frontend app
remove: Removes a resource for an Amplify category in your local backend
console: Opens the web console for the selected cloud resource
delete: Delete the Amplify project
upgrade: Download and install the latest version of the Amplify CLI
import Imports existing resources to your local backend
override: Override Amplify-generated resources with Cloud Development Kit (CDK)
diagnose: Capture non-sensitive Amplify backend metadata for debugging purposes
logout: Logs out of Amplify Studio
export: Export Amplify CLI-generated backend as a Cloud Development Kit (CDK) stack
uninstall: Uninstall the Amplify CLI
serve: Executes amplify push, and then test run the client-side application locally
mock: Run mock server for testing categories locally
codegen: Generates GraphQL statements and type annotations
api: Enable an easy and secure solution to access backend data
storage: Enable a mechanism for managing user content
notifications: Configure notifications for your Amplify project
auth: Enable sign-in, sign-up, and sign-out for your app
geo: Configure geo resources for your Amplify project
analytics: Add analytics resources to your Amplify project
function: Configure function resources for your Amplify project
hosting: Configure hosting resources for your Amplify project
interactions: Configure interactions resources for your Amplify project
predictions: Configure predictions resources for your Amplify project
build: Builds all resources in the project